With many new players joining recently it seems we should put a post up here with some tips and suggestions for the noobs. The longtime stains are probably hopeless (thus the brain comment), but some of the noobs seem willing to learn, so let's help them out. Here's a few to get started, feel free to add more tips, but let's keep this thread clean with only suggestions for better play. Posts that aren't helpful to this end will get deleted.
Let's start with the basics and then start adding more advanced and nuanced tips as this thread develops.
1. The primary objective of Onslaught (ONS) is an attack using overwhelming numbers to capture nodes and ultimately destroy the enemy core. ONS is a TEAM game.
2. Watching the top level players is the best way to learn solid strategy and see what the vehicles can do.
3. Listen to the experienced players' comms and try to follow their suggestions, particularly which nodes to head toward.
4. Train yourself to glance at the HUD constantly to understand the node paths and which nodes need attention.
5. If you're a noob (or a stain), DO NOT constantly jump into the fastest vehicles (flyers/mantas) and kamikaze suicide them toward strong enemy players and nodes. Leave the flyers for those skilled with them and learn the ground vehicles first.
6. RE #5: "But how do I learn flyers if I don't use them?" Try them out when the server isn't super busy (20+ players) and ask experienced pilots for advice.
7. Don't camp in tanks near your team's own locked nodes or far corners of a map nowhere near the action. You'll better serve your team by moving toward the objective of capturing unlocked nodes.
8. Fly or drive in formation with your teammates, and if you're new, follow instead of trying to lead. Try not to go it alone and don't get caught up in continual dogfighting.
It's worth repeating: the definition of onslaught is an attack using overwhelming numbers. ONS is a TEAM game.