Team try to Balance... Don't do it.

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Team try to Balance... Don't do it.

Post by pooty »

See viewtopic.php?p=6&sid=b5d0a1c8403ef62db ... ca2aca3#p6
Team switching : Stay on the team the server decided to put you on. Period. We do not care whether you do not like the color of the team you are on or a friend you want to play with is on the other team. This includes when the server or admin switches you..suck it up and help your new team. This includes trying to work the system, by leaving/spectating to force an imbalance so that a new join to gets switched and then rejoining the team. This also includes switching teams, no matter how well intentioned, to try to balance -- its hard to moderate so we keep it simple. Stay/Play on the team the server decides to put you on. Period.
At times the balancer just doesn't get it right, or people/leave join. C'est la vie. Having players switch, or even ask Admins if its ok to switch is difficult to moderate. This rule is long standing predating Omni 2.0 for good reason. Please be aware of it.

Admins may spectate or switch at their discretion to try to balance and that's it.

If you need more example, say a match is "unbalanced" -- why is it truly skill or just a team working well, or just plain luck... then someone switches, then its tilted the other way, then a new player joins, then someone else decides its "unbalanced" etc. etc.

Stay/Play on the team the server decides to put you on. Period.
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