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Re: Enyo

Post by McLovin »

I've learned more in this game from doing the wrong thing and then being told by more experienced players what I should have done instead. Which node is the most important to be at, which weapon works better in that situation, etc. GTKY, Enyo, and others always have good advice that people should listen to. The problem is when players repeatedly do the same things over and over. Did they not hear. Or did they hear and not listen. Or are they willfully ignoring the advice and gonna do their own thing no matter what? LOL

That's when it gets frustrating and discouraging. Come on during a round of MegaBadgers when I got guys on my team doing stupid stuff and you'll hear an earful.

We don't have team captains. Nobody is the boss of the team. Even admins, that's not what admins do or are for. Some (admins and players) can be bossy, sure, but it's your prerogative whether you listen or not. You can do what you want, but do stupid stuff and I assure you will be called out on it.
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Re: Enyo

Post by captainsnarf »

If you muted someone and it's not working for some reason, and they aren't logged in as admin, check your ChatRestriction.ini file. It has a list of all the players you have chat restrictions on (voice, text, etc).

Make sure Restriction=12 if you want them banned from your voice chat. There were a few players I banned from personal voice chat, but still heard them. For whatever reason the Restriction value was not 12. Some bug I guess, but setting it 12 fixes it. I think anything 8 or higher would work also, but I know 12 does which is why I'm mentioning it here.
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Re: Enyo

Post by Enyo »

Only reason I got upset with Xexx was because he started interjecting a false premise into the game (that the teams were unbalanced), and then made assumptions about me (that I had manipulated the game in my favor) based off his own false premise. Rhamp, you were on his team and didn’t feel I did anything wrong, neither did I. But you were there the whole time and had the entire context.

I normally say very little to Xexx because he’s a good player like you and needs no prompts on where to be.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain
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