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Super Sanka
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Post by Super Sanka »

All this manchild does is constantly bitch and complain about every little thing, Pooty, explain to me why he's an admin again?
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Re: Enyo

Post by pooty »

I do want to be clear, you were kicked for using a slur. Please don't do that again.

Yes, he complains alot. And you're free to complain back, as long as there's no slurs you can go back and forth all day with him. If you want to discuss that feel free to start a thread in the general section.
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Re: Enyo

Post by Super Sanka »

Last edited by Super Sanka on Thu May 25, 2023 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enyo

Post by Enyo »

I'd like to counter by 'reporting a douche' – Sanka for calling me a 'faggot' because he can't handle a little fact-based criticism.

Sanka, you're an incredibly good shot, but you rarely engage in the primary objective of onslaught, which is teamwork at nodes/core. This is provable by looking at the stats page below, with Node Hour Summary (nodes per hour) being the relevant metric. Your Node Hour Summary is much lower than the top 40 players on the server AND a lot of players that you regularly trash as garbage players.


You're allowed to play how you want on this server, even if it's selfish death matching for the most kills, but I'm also allowed to not like it, ESPECIALLY when you're on my team and could really use your help at nodes. When I criticize your play style, I'm speaking as a fellow player, not an admin.

As pooty said, you were kicked for the slur, not the disagreement. Throwing that or any other slur at someone other than me would net the same result.
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Re: Enyo

Post by captainsnarf »

This is a pretty douchy thing to say on public chat


And then again on MassD "You don't go to nodes" rant when the ONLY thing I do on mass D is grab a board and go to nodes.

I'm tired of getting shit talk from you. I just want to play a couple games between taking care of my sick cat and my sick wife without getting bitched at. I put you on mute. If I see you are on I'm going somewhere else.
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Re: Enyo

Post by Enyo »

captainsnarf wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:24 am This is a pretty douchy thing to say on public chat


And then again on MassD "You don't go to nodes" rant when the ONLY thing I do on mass D is grab a board and go to nodes.

I'm tired of getting shit talk from you. I just want to play a couple games between taking care of my sick cat and my sick wife without getting bitched at. I put you on mute. If I see you are on I'm going somewhere else.
Sorry for saying something publicly, was just calling out what I see.

I’ve grown weary of your rants about the OP vehicles, particularly flyers, that you can’t fight them on foot (then don’t), and your whining about the maps that are by far the most popular on the server. You want and force DM style maps when you can’t get the votes, which then clears the server. Seems like you can’t stand ONS itself, so why not stick to DM servers?

OR, why not learn to use flyers instead of hate on them? Why not try aggressively engaging in a better onslaught strategy, which sorry to say requires skill with the vehicles (something more potent than a hover board), and teamwork, instead of DMing most the time?

I’m constantly at nodes and see only a few teammates at them regularly - guys like Ebno, Leon, Rhamp, pooty, Scrotey, GTKU, Staff Seargant, Azazel, Big Floppies and 4Doors. You’re not on that list. Don’t take my word for it, just go look at your own stats for proof of how paltry your node build/destruction numbers are compared to any of those players. And I mean as an average… sometimes you’ll be middle to upper middle of the pack on nodes, but by and large your node numbers are very low for such a good player.

Again, sorry for publicly/verbally airing my frustration with what I perceive as a lack of teamwork from you. Speaking of teamwork, you used to use comms more, but I rarely hear you anymore. It’s key to talk and coordinate in a team game.
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Re: Enyo

Post by Enyo »

I'll save you time looking up your own node stats. Note your Node Hour Summary is one of the lowest in the top 40 players (by PPH). In fact, NHS is lowest for all the DM heavy players like yourself, Sub-zero, Nautikal, Cali, Judas, and that Raep guy. Anon is a bit of an exception, but for arguably the best DM player on the server his NHS is only in the lower mid-range.

The numbers don't lie, and only back up my assertion... it's extremely frustrating having players on your team that are so good at wrecking others to be the least aggressive on the nodes. You guys are also the least communicative when it comes to teamwork capturing nodes, i.e. the whole point of onslaught.

Since this is the Report a Douche thread, here's what I find douchey: players that mostly engage in DM and don't engage in teamwork at nodes on an ONS server.

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Re: Enyo

Post by captainsnarf »

Lowest? Of all the players you highlighted I'm lower than anon an RP, and higher than the rest of them. When I arrive at a node with another player I rarely touch the node first because I want them to get the points. You don't get any points for defending 1/2 on dria with a shield tank, but there I am helping my team for no score. I've never seen you in a shield tank.

I go to nodes, I engage in teamwork, I don't talk much because my wife is right next to me talking to me while I play. She's disabled and there is not much I can do about that. But regardless you do nothing but verbally criticize other players to the point of driving them away. It's not constructive. It's toxic. We llama'd solidstate for less than the shit you say.
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Re: Enyo

Post by captainsnarf »

I posted in here because I get shit talked verbally while trying to play a game for fun. That has nothing to do with my play style, win rate, node hour summary, or anything else. That's all a straw-man distraction from the real issue which is verbally abusing players to the point where they leave the server and never return. My first game on omni 2.0 four years ago was met with verbal abuse. It's no surprise my final game was too.
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Re: Enyo

Post by Anonymous. »

Unless someone is new and is confused on what to do, they should be left alone to play how they want. Enyo constantly bitches and whines to no end if he's losing, and singles out the lesser players who just play to have fun. If certain players are better than him, he'll try to get them banned like accusing xexx for "lag switching" or me aimbotting/wallhacking. Since it's obvious I don't cheat, therefore making it impossible/fruitless to get evidence, he instead tries to push a narrative to every player to that I'm cheating and create a witch hunt to get me banned. Almost every game enyo on the opposite team cries like a manchild bitch about how I'm cheating/whatever and it's obvious because people on the other team without mics say something in chat, or recently on Dria I got a random kick vote from Humble_Pie who never talks.

A couple months ago I was straight up admin abused on because I was owning enyo with a Mantis and he got so upset that he started admin slapping/killing me because he couldn't get his way. This is such disgusting admin abuse and yet nothing came of it, enyo is still the same man child. His narrative of me "cheating" is working because people genuinely believe I cheat and leave. Why is enyo still admin and not permanently muted? Is he a major sponsor of the server to where this issue keeps getting swept under the rug? What's the motivation?
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